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Resolutions for a brighter, sustainable 2022

Resolutions for a brighter, sustainable 2022

The start of a new year is the perfect time to assess how to do things better. At Altogether, "a better tomorrow" is one of our values and our goal is to help you assess how you can live more sustainably over the next 12 months. Extreme weather events have hammered home the relationship between a warming planet and the incidence of devastating events that can threaten our safety, our homes, and our livelihoods. Being more sustainable isn't all about paying more or sacrificing something.

Here’s our top five eco new year's resolutions that you might consider when shrinking your home energy bills and/or your carbon footprint in 2022.

  1. Plug leaks in your home

In terms of bang for your buck, low-cost draught proofing of windows, doors, skylights, and electrical outlets can cut your heating costs significantly while improving home comfort. And in our increasingly hot summers, you'll save money on cooling costs as well.

  1. Shop local & eat your leftovers

Avoid food waste, purchasing produce, fruit and other perishables in bulk contributes to a staggering amount of food waste. Not only is food being wasted while some are going hungry, but the production and transportation of that food adds up to energy costs and carbon emissions. Take steps to cut your food waste by buying specific amounts as part of meal planning, resisting the temptation to buy perishables in bulk when you may not need them, and make eating leftovers a habit.

  1. Leave the car at home

Cars can be a convenient and comfortable way to get around, but gas-powered cars are among the greatest carbon-emitters in today's world. If it's practical for you, walk, bike, carpool or use public transport whenever you can. If you have a longish daily commute, consider an electric bike or scooter.

  1. Take fewer flights and/or buy carbon offsets

As access to air travel increases in 2022, you can decrease your emissions by flying for business only when necessary, taking fewer holidays involving air travel (perhaps for longer periods), and exploring Australia by car or train instead. If you fly, consider buying carbon offsets.

  1. Do laundry less often, and hang-dry clothes

We tend to wash our clothes too often, and that not only shrinks or damages them, it also takes its toll on energy use and your electricity bill. Be selective with the clothes you wash regularly, opt for natural fibres when you can, use cold water as much as possible, and try hang-drying laundry to cut drying costs.

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