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Request a concession

NSW Water Rebates

You may be eligible for a concession on your water account if you are the primary account holder and hold a valid concession card. An application must be made directly to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment
Phone: 1800 953 119
Email: [email protected]
Post: NSW Private Water Scheme Pensioner Rebates, PO Box 435, Parramatta, NSW 2124
Applications can be submitted by email or post to the above addresses. Customers need to provide a valid water bill with their application.

QLD Electricty Rebates

Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) has developed several factsheets to help those who are struggling to pay their electricity bills or who require information on how to reduce their costs. The factsheets include tips on saving energy, what concessions and assistance are available and what to do if customers can’t pay an energy bill. For further information please visit QCOSS. If you hold a valid concession card please download this form and follow the instructions.

NSW Electricity Rebates

If you are based in NSW, you can find information on saving power and accessing rebates here

QLD Water Rebates

Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) has developed several factsheets to help those who are struggling to pay their water bills or who require information on how to reduce their costs. The factsheets include tips on saving water, what concessions and assistance are available and what to do if customers can’t pay a bill. For further information please visit QCOSS.

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