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Together improving water literacy

Together improving water literacy

Water is taken for granted and subconsciously used. Water behaviours are deeply habitual so the Water Conservancy have used ethnographic and quantitative consumer research to understand their relationship with water.

Altogether are proudly working with the Water Conservancy to help increase everyone’s perceived value of water is key to conserving more and wasting less. 

Together we are committed to work with local businesses and households to help communities achieve that.

The Water Conservancy is a 'not for profit' advisory hub for education, facilitation, and adoption of a more conscious and efficient approach to water use in Australia.

Previously known as Smart Approved WaterMark, they've rebranded as The Water Conservancy with a broadened remit to enable all Australians to use water efficiently in order to conserve more and waste less.

They certify water efficient products and services and provide advice about saving water at home, at work and in the garden

Check out some of the Smart Approved WaterMark products here

Learn more about The Water Conservancy

Express interest in a tour of our local water centres to learn more

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