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exploring the EV charging revolution

exploring the EV charging revolution

Empowering strata

We are thrilled to share the remarkable success of our recent Academy event, "Are You EV-Ready GC?" hosted in our Gold Coast office. This electrifying evening brought together a diverse and enthusiastic group of over 50 attendees, all deeply engaged in the fascinating world of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure within strata communities.

Our audience represented a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including body corporate managers, chairmen, and committee members, all eager to navigate the intricate terrain of EV charging in strata communities. The turnout exceeded our expectations, with 20 attendees joining us through social media and referrals, showcasing the widespread interest in this burgeoning field.

A glimpse into the highlights

The event was filled with insightful discussions, but one of the standout moments was the exploration of demand load control, a game-changing tool that ensures equitable distribution of electrical capacity among EV charging stations. This enlightening conversation left our audience inspired and eager to delve deeper into this crucial topic in future events.

What's on the horizon?

We are already hard at work planning upcoming events in the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. In our commitment to provide comprehensive insights, we are actively seeking to expand our lineup of guest speakers. This could include experts from Energex, offering insights into long-term electrical supply plans, and local council representatives who can shed light on specific building applications within their jurisdiction.

Why is EV Charging a Hot Topic?

Our event attendees demonstrated a keen interest in various facets of EV charging in strata communities, including:

  1. Council's Perspective on EV Charging in Council Property:

What is the council's stance on implementing EV charging infrastructure in properties under its jurisdiction?

  1. Insurance Considerations:

How do insurance policies and premiums change with the introduction of EV charging stations in strata communities?

  1. Equity Concerns - Cost Distribution:

Could you clarify why the cost of installing and maintaining EV charging stations is distributed among all 180 residents when only 4 residents use them?

  1. Visitor Parking Impact on Development Approval (DA):

If we allocate spaces for visitor parking for EVs, would this potentially impact our development approval (DA) for the strata community?

  1. Open Plan Carpark - Cable Tray Compatibility:

What type of cable trays are suitable for our open plan carpark when installing EV charging infrastructure?

  1. Fire Safety and Combustible Materials:

What are the fire safety measures and considerations in place when installing EV charging stations, especially concerning combustible materials?

  1. Load Management:

How can we effectively control the load on our electrical system to match the demand when many EVs are charging simultaneously?

  1. Air Conditioning and Power Demand:

On Australia Day, our air conditioning caused a blackout in my building. How can we ensure that simultaneous use of EV chargers and other appliances won't lead to power outages?

  1. Financial Implications:

What is the estimated cost of installing and maintaining EV charging infrastructure in our strata community?

  1. Audit Costs:

Is there a cost associated with conducting an audit related to the installation and operation of EV charging facilities?

  1. Ownership and Funding Strategy:

How do we plan to fund the EV charging infrastructure? Is it included as a line item in our three-year updated sinking fund forecast?

We are grateful for the active participation of our attendees, as their insightful questions and enthusiasm drive us to continually explore and provide solutions to the evolving challenges in the strata industry.

Altogether Group remains committed to being your trusted partner in navigating the exciting landscape of EV charging in strata communities. We look forward to future events, discussions, and collaborative efforts to make strata living more sustainable, efficient, and accessible for all.

Thank you for being part of our journey towards a greener and more innovative future.

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