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do I need a water tank?

do I need a water tank?

We understand that especially after all the extreme weather events that we are living through, the world is getting more serious about being environmentally conscious, and that’s why people are making efforts to contribute the best they can.

In a non-Altogether community with no access to recycled water, rainwater tank installation could be seen as an investment in improving your environmental footprint, especially in these current times of high rainfall.

However, in a proudly green Altogether Community, it is not necessary to have a rainwater tank as we are already treating your wastewater into a high-quality recycled water that helps you save up to 70% of the precious drinking water you’d normally use on household activities. Also, our recycled water service is not subject to the same water restrictions as drinking water during drought periods which will no doubt soon return.

Here's a comparison between the two alternatives:


Rainwater tank

Recycled Water service



Rain dependent (Unpredictable)

Constant supply. Unrestricted use during droughts.

Initial Cost

Substantial upfront cost of tank, pump and landscaping

Zero or minimal upfront cost in most Altogether communities* Refer to community fees and charges


In dry periods or in drought, topped up with drinking water.

Constant supply of alternative water source.


Regular: It should be done by yourself or for a third party for additional costs

Maintenance of the service by Altogether .

Quick emergency response.



Almost ‘unlimited’:  Large community storage.

Use of space

Substantial use of space in the surface of your property, usually aboveground adjacent to the house

Minimal space taken by the aboveground meter in the corner of your property.

Sanitary Issues

They may be prone to direct contamination by animal faeces, rodents, mosquitoes, algae growth, insects, and lizards

Heavily treated and regulated.

Tested regularly and reported to the regulator to ensure ongoing quality.

Buying a rainwater tank if you are part of a green Altogether community is like building a shed in your backyard to reside in when you have a big country house - it is not needed.





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