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Supporting Diverse Sustainable Communities

Supporting Diverse Sustainable Communities

Altogether Group provides essential utility services to over 500—and counting—communities across Australia, supporting sustainable living and lifestyles. Our embedded energy networks support renewable power generation through solar energy, and our water services provide drinking water, wastewater and recycled water that support all needs. None of the communities we support is exactly alike, which is why we provide custom solutions for each project to ensure their needs are met. 

We’ll be looking at the diverse communities we support across the country, including urban communities, regional towns, and lifestyle villages, giving specific examples of how our tailored solutions contribute to sustainability.

Shepherds Bay Altogether Community

Our Sustainable Communities

Urban Communities

Urban communities often have high energy consumption and water wastage, which pose a challenge when designing utility infrastructure. In the Q1 building on the Gold Coast, Altogether provides solar, gas, hot water and an embedded energy network, with our smart solutions reducing costs and environmental impact. As the embedded energy network allows energy to be purchased in bulk, it means that we can pass on savings to residents without compromise. Through power-conserving applications, power is supplied to communal areas in the building, including the community’s outdoor cinema, pool and wellness centre.

Similarly, at The Orchards by Sekisui House in northwest Sydney, we installed an integrated solution for energy needs. Through the use of advanced metering & telemetry solutions, an automated monitoring system can optimise usage to avoid market volatility without the need for manually reading meters. 

In other urban communities, we utilise local renewable energy sources including solar and wind, that not only help communities transition away from reliance on coal-fired electricity but also improve energy security in the event of outages.

Regional Towns

In regional towns, we play a crucial role in enhancing sustainability and addressing local challenges such as water scarcity and energy reliability. Huntlee—the first new town developed in the Hunter Valley in 50 years—is the perfect example of our commitment to regional sustainability. By processing water through an advanced treatment system at a recycled water treatment plant, we offer better water pressure than local utilities can offer, providing water for the Huntlee community to flush toilets, irrigate gardens, suppress dust, clean streets, and wash clothes so that they won’t be restricted even during drought conditions. We also provide utilities to the Gables in Box Hill, a sustainable green community that is supported by our recycled water systems, and Pitt Town, the first community that Altogether helped to reuse wastewater through a local sustainable recycled water network.

Lifestyle Villages

Lifestyle villages are another community that Altogether Group supports. Seachange Toowoomba is one such example, as the over-50s boutique community is served by an advanced embedded energy network and solar system that automatically adjusts the distribution of energy to keep living costs down. As the rooftop solar panelling is owned, operated and maintained by Altogether, residents can benefit from localised clean energy that is distributed at no cost. In our lifestyle villages, we not only improve energy security and sustainability, but we prioritise the needs of these communities without compromising on price.

We are proud to support a diverse range of communities across Australia, providing innovative utility solutions that will last for many years to come. As we continue to grow our reach across more than 500 communities, we are committed to ensuring desirable outcomes for each as if it were the only community we served. Our tailored approach means that the unique challenges presented by each community is tackled at macro and micro levels, and through collaboration with stakeholders—including local councils, strata managers, and residents—we ensure the best quality of life whilst also benefiting the environment. Looking forward, our support of local communities continues to make a positive impact, contributing to a greener, and more sustainable future for Australia.

If you would like to learn more about how Altogether is helping communities across Australia or the work we do, get in touch with us today.

Why Choose Altogether

At Altogether, we deliver reliable, localised essential services to over 500 communities across Australia. From world-leading recycled water systems to efficient embedded energy networks in high-rise communities, and smart grids in small communities, we're determined to do the right thing by our customers, and by the planet. As a multi-utility service provider, it’s our mission to make the world a brighter place, and we do that by offering sustainable power, water and data services.

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