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direct debit

If you wish to sign up using your credit card, please call us on 1300 803 803

We only accept direct debit in the name of the account holder at the supply address. If you want to set up a direct debit in another name then that person must be authorised on the account.
Your Agreement & Understanding

By ticking this box

I authorise Altogether Group Pty Ltd ABN 28 136 272 298 via SR Global Solutions ACN 132 951 172 (User ID No. 397351) trading as Merchant Warrior, unless otherwise advised by me, to debit my nominated account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) or my nominated credit or debit card for monies due, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Service Agreement. I understand and agree that:

  • The debit payment will be based on the bills issued according to each bill cycle
  • The amount debited may vary
  • Prior to the first debit payment, you will advise me in writing of the first bill to be debited under the
  • Direct Debit Service Agreement


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