This fee is for the supply and installation of additional 20mm meter/s for your secondary dwelling. Secondary dwellings must be metered separately from your primary dwelling.
- Huntlee & Cooranbong: Altogether is the drinking water and recycled water utility. If you are constructing a secondary dwelling you must purchase a drinking & recycled water meter for each additional dwelling.
- Box Hill/Gables & Pitt Town: Altogether is the recycled water utility only. If you are constructing a secondary dwelling you must purchase a recycled water meter for each additional dwelling.
If you are building your secondary dwelling at the same time as your primary dwelling, the secondary dwelling water meter/s will be installed at the time of connection.
To learn more about adding a secondary dwelling water meter please refer to this article
A wastewater collection tank riser is required if your tank is below surface ground level.
If your water meter is not to our requirements, it will need to be rectified.