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Renewable Energy And Sustainability In Australia

Renewable Energy And Sustainability In Australia

Climate change is a challenge on both a national and global level. Still, in Australia, the effects are particularly harsh, as we face more frequent and intense fire seasons, increased ocean heatwaves and sea-level rise. Since 1910, Australia’s weather has increased by 1.51°C, and if something isn’t done to slow down its effects, severe heat events will become more frequent, posing a threat to all forms of life. Whilst our nation was recently declared on track to reach climate change targets, more can be done to limit the impact of climate change. 

The renewable energy transition and sustainability are gaining traction as governments, businesses, and communities aspire to balance the amount of greenhouse gases by removing an equivalent from the atmosphere. This would represent a monumental step in working towards eliminating carbon emissions. On a community level, small changes can be implemented that can contribute to positive change on a large scale.

We will be exploring net zero, what it means for communities, and how Altogether supports communities in working towards net zero aspirations.

What Is Net Zero?

Net zero may sound like the elimination of all carbon emissions, but it means no additional emissions beyond what is currently in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emissions would still generated, but as an equal amount of carbon dioxide would be removed from the atmosphere as the emissions released into it, this constitutes a zero increase in net emissions.

Benefits Of Net Zero And Sustainability Efforts

Net zero presents various benefits, however, reducing the impact of climate change is the primary concern. With the reduction of new carbon emissions, we can reign in the rising prevalence of unnatural disasters including heatwaves, and slow the rate of global warming. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is also closely linked to improved air quality, and with the amount of carbon emissions falling, there will likely be lower rates of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. 

Additionally, as the shift towards net zero would create millions of jobs globally, it will present significant economic opportunities, particularly in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable agriculture.

How Altogether Is Helping Communities Achieve Net Zero

Sustainability is at the core of what we do, and we are supporting local communities in working towards net zero targets. Our embedded energy networks support the integration of renewable energy power sources such as solar energy, which can allow communities to operate without the need for fossil-fuelled power. Through the use of smart meters, communities can better understand their energy usage, which can help to reduce waste and work towards net zero targets.

Understanding the impact of our actions - and inactions - is crucial in working towards achieving net zero, which is why education and partnerships are key aspects of our work. We provide educational resources to help understand sustainability, the importance of preserving our resources, and net zero emissions, but we also work with local stakeholders to help make real change.

How Communities Can Work Towards Net Zero And Sustainability Targets

Transitioning to net zero is a huge endeavour, and one that won’t happen overnight, however, taking a step towards it is a huge part of the battle. Considering utility usage is a quick way that individuals can contribute, as less energy wasted means fewer emissions. Additionally, by prioritising walking, cycling, public transportation use, or switching to an EV, drivers can drastically reduce their carbon footprints. 

On a community level, clear goals can be adopted that encourage and incentivise residents to save resources, create EV infrastructure that can reduce carbon emissions, and discuss the viability of renewable power sources including solar energy can reduce the reliance on fossil-fuelled power.

Net zero is not just a climate change target, but a catalyst for change that prompts sustainable thought and action. It provides an opportunity for individuals and communities to take a stand, and through the use of power solutions like those offered by Altogether, we can reduce our reliance on energy that produces carbon emissions. By working together towards common goals such as net zero, individuals and communities can create a sustainable future that benefits everyone as we address the challenge of climate change.

If you would like to learn more about how Altogether is helping to support communities' work towards net zero and sustainability targets, or how we make a difference through, the work we do, get in touch with us today.

Why Choose Altogether

At Altogether, we deliver reliable, localised essential services to over 500 communities across Australia. From world-leading recycled water systems to efficient embedded energy networks in high-rise communities, and smart grids in small communities, we're determined to do the right thing by our customers, and by the planet. As a multi-utility service provider, it’s our mission to make the world a brighter place, and we do that by offering sustainable power, water and data services.

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