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get ready for an even safer and eco-friendly environment

get ready for an even safer and eco-friendly environment

Thanks to the power of recycling, we have made 10,369 connections, resulting in the transformation of 1,087,329,000 liters of sewage into something useful! To put it in perspective, that's equivalent to filling up over 4,500 Olympic swimming pools with recycled water every year!

The impact doesn't stop there. With this amount of recycled water, we can perform over 28 million loads of washing annually. That's like doing almost 77,000 loads of washing per day! Furthermore, this volume of recycled water enables us to provide over 5.6 billion toilet flushes every year, equivalent to flushing over 15 million toilets per day!

At Altogether, we prioritize safety, health, and environmental sustainability. We are fully committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our valued customers, clients, and employees. We take great pride in our performance during 2022/23 and our ambitions for 2023.

This year, we achieved a remarkable 29% reduction in our long-term injury frequency rate (LTIFR) compared to the previous year. This significant improvement reflects the positive impact of the safety culture changes we have implemented across our organization, ensuring the well-being of our employees and customers.

We are also thrilled to announce that we attained an impressive 113% WHS Lead Indicator score this year, surpassing the safety interactions, inspections, and training target set for our organization by 13%. These outstanding results showcase the hard work and dedication of our teams in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.

Moreover, we are proud to hold ISO certifications, including ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, and ISO 45001 Occupation Health and Safety Management. These certifications underscore our unwavering commitment to safety and sustainability.

At Altogether, we firmly believe that safety and sustainability are paramount for our business, customers, and clients. We are continually striving for improvement and take our responsibility for safety and sustainability seriously.

Join us in our mission of safety and sustainability! By collaborating with our customers, clients, and employees, we can push the boundaries and make an even greater positive impact. Together, let's create a safer and more eco-friendly environment.

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